The old saying ‘Dogs are the best friends of human beings’ isn’t correct in all circumstances. When you bring home a new puppy, he doesn’t come as your finest comrade. You really need to put in a lot of effort and hard work to develop a strong bond between the two of you. Puppies, generally from three to six months of age group, are easily influenced. Whatever they learn during this stage of life, they will carry the lessons for the rest of their lives. As a pet parent, you need to find interesting ways to interact with them and make their transition smoother to help them grow as ideal animal companions.

How To Bond With Your Newly Adopted Puppy

Here is the list of various activities that can help you during your journey:

Communicate With the Puppy

Establishing communication with your young canine companion will lay a strong foundation for your relationship with the animal. The puppy may not be able to understand your language, but they pick up on your energy and emotions. For instance, an enthusiastic voice might energize your dog that can motivate them to accomplish anything you’d like them to do! On the other hand, communicating in a calm, consistent tone can make them feel more at ease and can even help a stressed puppy relax and calm down.

Puppy Training

Spending time teaching your puppy various signs and signals will help you develop a connection with them while also helping them in learning the language of communication. Simple instructions like ‘sit’, ‘run’, stop’ and sign language through your hand gestures help you connect to your canine companion. Puppy training assists new puppy parents in teaching their pups the most important commands and at the same time combating undesirable puppy behaviors. Moreover, puppy training sets the stage for your puppy to mature into a well-behaved adult.

Make them Exercise

Exercising your new puppy is the best way to keep them active and spend some time with you. You can go for a walk or indulge in some outdoor play like fetching. You can keep the interaction going as you instruct them to catch and return the ball to you.

Play Games

Playtime is the best way to strengthen your bond with your dog. You can spend some quality time with your new animal friend while playing various games such as ‘hide and seek’ or ‘go find’ and having fun at the same time. Playtime activates their minds and establishes that you’re a great deal of fun to be around.

Cuddling and Hand Feeding

Nothing works better than a nice old-fashioned snuggle time. Cuddling up with your dog while showing them your attention and affection helps them develop the secure feeling they seek. You can also entice them to spend more time with you by holding their favorite snacks in your palm. When you hand feed your dog, you pass on your scent to your companion. They not only get to smell you with every bite, but also, they get to know that you are their source of food. They learn to trust and rely on you to provide for all of their necessities.


It is very usual to get carried away with emotions when you bring home a nice little furry companion home. But if you put yourself in their shoes, you’ll realize that it is a whole new world the puppy is stepping into, leaving their known ones behind, which can be frightening. But if we, as their guardian, can incorporate the above-mentioned tactics with our love and affection, we can make their transition overwhelming.