Pumpkin is a holiday staple food and a fall-time favourite for your pup too! Pumpkin is a super food for dogs; it is a very healthy option to have as it is low-calorie and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. This vibrant fall ingredient can be incorporated into your dog’s food and treats to provide them with benefits.

Why feed your dog pumpkin?

Here are some of the benefits of pumpkin-

Pumpkin is a Superfood

Pumpkin is high in vitamins A, C, B12, and E, fiber, iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium. It also contains a lot of water, which makes it a great food for keeping your pooch hydrated during diarrhea or otherwise. Vitamin A keeps the eyes healthy, improves night vision, and prevents eye degeneration.

Vitamins and high water content help in keeping the skin and coat shiny. Likewise, vitamin C is also an integral part of keeping your pooch’s immune system up and going. Other essential minerals partake in improving cognitive function, maintaining muscle and bone strength, and the iron in it helps in transmitting oxygen throughout the body.     

High in fiber

Pumpkin contains a high amount of soluble fiber content. This will add bulk to the stool of your dog whenever fed. This helps in maintaining healthy digestion and also aids in weight loss. If your pup has a sensitive stomach consider giving them pumpkin treats to ease the stomach.

Pumpkin is a great aid in alleviating constipation and diarrhea. Because of its high fiber and water content, dog feel full for a long time, and thus prevents them from overeating.   

Natural anti-parasitic

Though the evidence about this is anecdotal, adding pumpkin regularly to your pup’s diet can help deter parasites. It contains high levels of cucurbitin, an amino acid that is toxic to many parasites and is commonly used to expel worms. Adding a teaspoon or two is a good preventive, but don’t skip on the regular treatments.     

Subside urinary problems

Pumpkin contains omega fatty acids and antioxidants which help in dislodging kidney stones and prevent urinary incontinence. Additionally, antioxidants maintain genetic material, reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and slow down the aging process.

No matter how beneficial it is for your pets, there’s so much that you can have without it causing damaging effects. Try to feed your pet fresh or canned pumpkin without preservatives and spices. Check the ingredients before feeding canned pumpkin to your dog.

Other than that you can make them pumpkin treats, which can be a healthy snack for your canine companion. Pumpkin seeds are good for your dog. Soaking them overnight in water makes them easy to digest.

The greatest benefit of pumpkin is, tastes amazing! So, why not take advantage of it and give this amazing, tasty, and healthy superfood to your dog? They’ll surely love it!