Wondering if your cat can go vegetarian with you? Many cat parents have this question in their minds and are unsure if they can stop feeding meat.

3 Major Reasons Why Cats Need Meat in their Diet

Cats have evolved as obligate carnivores. This means that they depend on meat for their survival. And, therefore, meat is a major component of their diet.

Whether you’re feeding dry food, canned food, or both, here are three major reasons why your cat’s meals should comprise meat.

Cats have higher protein requirements than other animals.

The feline body prefers to use protein for energy, whereas dogs, humans, and other omnivores readily use carbs, protein, or fat for energy.

Because of this, cats have higher protein needs than other animals. And, as meat is a source of lean protein, it is crucial to include it in your cat’s diet. This will also help them stay more active rather than curling up in bed all day.

Cats have not evolved to handle a starchy vegetarian diet.

Your feline friend’s digestive system can attest to the fact that cats are evolved to eat a diet high in meat. Of all mammals, cats have the shortest digestive tract to body size ratio. Hence, they have fewer fermenting bacteria to aid in the breakdown of a plant-based diet, so they cannot digest vegetables efficiently.

Meat improves overall health of cats.

Feeding your cat raw meat would help them fight dental problems by keeping their teeth clean. Meat also contains all the essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which promote oil production and balance the hydration of the skin.

Therefore, a meat-based diet is perfect to keep your feline friend’s skin and coat healthier. Furthermore, meat keeps your cat full for a longer period of time. This indirectly helps in preventing obesity.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, major reasons why meat must be on your cat’s menu! Although this doesn’t mean you have to throw your cat raw meat for every meal, meat must be a staple for your cat.

If you are not sure how much meat you should feed your feline, you can always opt for readymade cat food. You can check out a range of branded cat food on DiscountPetCare!